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5 Ways To Make The Most Out Of An Extra Hour In Bed

The clocks go back this Sunday 31st October and with online searches for “when do the clocks go back 2021” up by 3,300% the nation is getting ready for that extra hour in bed.

Luxury online bedding brand DUSK, have explored 5 ways you can make the most out of the extra hour in bed this weekend.

5 Ways To Make The Most Out Of An Extra Hour In Bed

1. Press The Snooze Button

38% of Brits are known to hit the snooze button at least once. [1] This is the one day of the year that you can press snooze on your alarm clock with no guilt. Make the most of the extra hour, close your eyes and drift back to sleep.

2. Breakfast In Bed

Make a fresh cup of tea or coffee and crawl back under the duvet for an hour of relaxing with a magazine. Alternatively, take this time to make an appetising breakfast, the perfect way to start your day.

3. Binge One More Episode

61% of people admit to binge watching Netflix regularly.[2] With an extra hour to hand, you can enjoy one more episode without feeling tired as a consequence.

4. Get Lost In A Book

Reading before bed is a great way to avoid blue light and get a more restful nights’ sleep. It’s tempting to finish another chapter before falling asleep, but with an extra hour the next morning, there’ll be time to pick the book back up the next day.

5. Make Your Bed

To make the best start to your day, take a little extra time to make your bed picture perfect with cushions and throws, it will be even more welcoming to crawl back into.

Alternatively, strip your bed and give your bedding a wash so that you can head into the winter with fresh and clean sheets. In a survey conducted by DUSK, 93% of people said they sleep best in freshly washed bedding and more than half (55%) said a clean bedroom helps reduce stress.

6 EXPERT Cleaning Tips from DUSK Buyer Farah Arshad

Always follow the care label.
Separate your whites and treat any stains straight away.
Use the correct heat, size and washing machine settings.
Avoid overloading your washing machine.
Use pillow protectors to extend the life of your pillows and keep them cleaner for longer.
Allow your pillows and duvet to air outside regularly and shake to get rid of any dust.