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30-year-old Entrepreneur and Sexual Assault Survivor Turns Experience Into Advocacy and Reform Movement

At 25, entrepreneur Jess Wilson was on the fast track to success. She was a regular guest on global television shows, often featured in Forbes and had a list of business leaders wanting to partner with her.

This was cut short when, while raising money for her tech business, she was sexually assaulted by a prospect investor. She turned to a mentor for guidance, yet was blatantly told to turn the other cheek.

Shaken, but determined, she went against her mentor’s advice, educated herself on the legal system, started a lawsuit and ultimately won after an 18 month battle.

Now, Jess and co-founder Hayley Evans, a fellow tech entrepreneur and investor responsible for scaling the Tavistock Group ($14B) tech investment portfolio, have joined forces and are leveraging their skill sets and connections to disrupt the legal system and use technology as a force for good. The pair have announced an NFT collection which will fund and scale the work of women’s rights law reform experts across the United States and Australia . Named “Women Making Waves,” the business is launching with the support of global leaders such The Chopra Foundation and Never Alone, a Chopra Foundation initiative founded by Deepak Chopra which are the exclusive mental health and wellbeing partners of WMW and provide exclusive content on a digital platform.