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Daily Archives: August 11, 2021

Healthcare firms help European unicorns set record pace in 2021

Economic uncertainty in Europe has failed to stop record growth by unicorn companies in 2021, with healthcare businesses amongst the biggest winners. This buoyant trend defies continental nervousness due to intermittent lockdowns, rising unemployment, unpredictable economic growth, COVID-19 variants, and a sluggish vaccination supply throughout


Famous for deliciously crafted premium mixers & tonics, Double Dutch is kicking off August in style with a sampling tour of London, leading up to a two-day pop-up bar residency at South Bank Riverside, complete with FREE flavourful cocktails. This, the latest in Double Dutch’s

Laundrapp takes a bite of the big apple with New York launch

U.K.’s largest on-demand laundry provider reveals USA expansion amid the gentle easing of restrictions. The award-winning on-demand laundry app, Laundrapp, has today announced that it is taking orders from New Yorkers who are keen to free up time by having hassle-free, 48-hour turnaround dry cleaning