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Category Archives: News

Continuity of COVID Relief Funding

Care England, the largest representative body of independent adult social care providers, has reached out to the Government to provide continuity of COVID related packages for the care sector. Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says: “Unfortunately, COVID doesn’t end on 31

Deepfakes: A new technology threatening to ruin your reputation

Cybersecurity expert provides tips on how users can protect themselves from becoming victims of deepfake scams First introduced to the public in 2016, the advanced photo and video manipulation technology called deepfakes has advanced over the last few years so much that now anyone can

AMTE Power: Announcement of intention to float on AIM

AMTE Power, a developer and manufacturer of lithium-ion battery cells for specialist markets, announces its intention to seek admission to trading on AIM of the entire issued and to be issued ordinary share capital of the Company. Admission is expected to take place during March

Cosy up with the CAMPARI Chocolate Orange Negroni

Ready for a real treat? The warming CAMPARI Chocolate Orange Negroni is the perfect cocktail to put your feet up and nestle in this winter with. This tempting twist on the Negroni classic is simple to make and delightful to drink.  Balancing bitter, zesty CAMPARI with sweet notes of cocoa, the bittersweet chocolate and Grand Marnier find their perfect partner in CAMPARI,