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Category Archives: News

UCAS Application Season: The future is yours

As the UK enters UCAS application season, students at Sixth Form and even GCSE level will be questioning what path they want to take after school. These range from university, apprenticeships to internships and entering the world of work. Leading EdTech platform MyTutor has unveiled

Soft Toys Provide Life-Long Empathy For Animals

Everyone remembers their favourite soft toy from growing up. Whether it was a monkey, a dog, or simply a traditional teddy, one thing is for certain, it was always by our side. Eco-friendly toy brand Living Nature believe that there is a strong link between

COP15 inspired Earth Pyramid moves a step closer

An ambitious project to construct a giant pyramid and time capsule, inspired by the COP15 climate summit in 2009, has moved a step closer with significant interest being shown by West African nation Senegal. The Earth Pyramid project, aimed at promoting peace and sustainability through

How would you survive in a zombie apocalypse?

Apocalypse expert Lewis Dartnell has provided his expert commentary on how to survive a zombie apocalypse- from the dos and don’ts in an apocalypse; what equipment and tools you’ll need and how to maximise your chances of survival. A zombie apocalypse will probably never happen,