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Category Archives: Business

Salford City Council agrees new pay for employees

Salford City Council is the first organisation in the north west to officially reach a collective agreement to fully implement the national pay agreement. It is all part of the national pay agreement, which introduces a new national pay spine in April 2019 . A

Manchester takeaway stripped of licence

In recent months Chickadoo, in Rochdale Road, has been subject to action both by Manchester City Council’s Licensing and Out of Hours Team as well as Greater Manchester Police. Initially complaints were made to the council about the noise created by the takeaway’s extractor fan.

Invest in Manchester for returns heading North

Manchester, once famous for flat caps and post-industrial decline, has in recent decades reinvented itself. Home to two of the greatest football teams on earth and a significant media and technology sector – Manchester has become Northern England’s answer to London, and property values in


A forum exploring the impact of new technology on business was held by the University of Bolton. The Institute of Management organised The Future of Work Forum, which was informed by the latest academic and practitioner research. The event delved into the effect automation and

£22 million for projects to support domestic abuse survivors

More than 25,000 domestic abuse survivors will be supported to rebuild their lives thanks to a £22 million allocation for projects across the country, Housing Minister Heather Wheeler MP has announced last week (10 November 2018). Over 60 projects in England will be supported by