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Category Archives: Business

Best Practices for Effective Remote Working

As the world hunkers down to weather the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), work is shifting gears as well. In many industries, working from home (WFH) is going mainstream. It’s a smart way for companies to limit the potential exposure to the virus and

The newest addition to the Covid-vocabulary? Maskne

From ‘lockdown’ to ‘social distancing’, 2020 has given us a whole new set of everyday terminology. The newest addition to the Covid-vocabulary? Maskne. The name itself is self-explanatory and refers to the development of acne around the mouth and chin as a result of wearing

LIVERPUDLIANS top poll of nosiest people in Britain

PEOPLE in Liverpool are the nosiest in Britain with three quarters saying they would snoop in someone else’s diary, a poll has found. A huge 78 per cent of people in the city wouldn’t be able to resist reading, while people in Surrey and Essex