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Category Archives: Business

COVID-19 essential travel guidance

Following on from the government’s guidance on social distancing in relation to COVID-19, people should avoid travelling unless it is essential. Who this guidance is for This guidance is for people planning to visit second homes or holiday premises during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Essential travel does

Military stands up COVID-19 Support Force

The Defence Secretary announces new measures to put service personnel and Reservists on standby to support public services in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The Ministry of Defence (MOD) will put an additional 10,000 military personnel at a higher readiness and place Reserves on standby

HIV drug PrEP to be available across England

Local authorities will receive £16 million in 2020 to 2021 to deliver the preventative HIV treatment PrEP. The funding from the Department of Health and Social Care will ensure anyone who is at a high risk of contracting HIV will receive PrEP from their local

Britain’s jobs boom continues as wages rise

Today’s figures from the Office for National Statistics saw the unemployment rate remain at its lowest since 1974, while the number of UK nationals in employment grew by over 2.3 million since 2010 to reach just over 29 million. The total number in work climbed