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Category Archives: Business

How to throw the most Instagrammable garden party this summer

As Brits are now allowed to enjoy their gardens with up to 6 people, the past 30 days have seen a 70% increase in searches for ‘garden party decorations’ and a 300% increase in ‘garden furniture’ related searches. So, what items are being Instagrammed the most? Hashtag

Laws on bereavement “woefully” out-of-date

A new report published today (28 April) reveals the Government is on the wrong side of popular opinion on compensation for bereaved families. “There is a postcode lottery when someone is wrongfully killed in the UK. Only a very rigid, prescribed list of relatives qualify

Top 5 Low Maintenance Plants Your Garden Needs This Summer

This week we’re celebrating national gardening week. With the nation having found a new love for gardening while in lockdown we have grown to love and care for our gardens more than ever before. Google Trends analysis has identified a UK search spike for “gardening”

How to get your wardrobe reorganised, by a Marie Kondo expert

Molly Mae, Zara Mcdermott and Sam Thompson have all undertaken huge wardrobe organisations over the last two weeks. As many Brits also look to get their wardrobes reorganised as we begin to socialise again and ditch the loungewear, self-storage company, Space Station, has partnered with