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Category Archives: Business

Study Reveals the Sexiest Bald Men in the World

Different studies have shown a high number of women find bald men attractive and there are quite a few bald public figures we can feast our eyes on. The web is a great place to obtain a sentiment on how public figures are perceived. With

Directors should be alert to the risk of paying illegal dividends

Directors need to be alert to the risk of paying illegal dividends or they could become personally liable for company liabilities, say leading tax and advisory firm Blick Rothenberg. Sunil Bhavnani a technical partner at the firm said: “ It’s common for directors of owner managed businesses to pay a

Best exercising gear for spring

It’s safe to say that life has been strange this past year, however there is at least one good thing that has come out of this crazy circumstance. With outdoor recreation; one of the only safe activities for people to partake in this past year,