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Category Archives: Business

Five Ways To Add A Middle Eastern Flair To Your Home

We may not be able to travel abroad just yet, but we can still explore the wonders of the Middle East at the V&A’s latest exhibition ‘Epic Iran’. The region has long provided inspiration for interior designers, from the opulence of Iran to the riads

What EU Digital wallets need for successful launch

On the 3rd of June, the European Commission announced plans to launch a new framework: European Digital Identity wallets, which will be available to all EU-residing citizens, residents and businesses. According to Marius Galdikas, CEO at ConnectPay, its true impact on the market will largely

Psychologist Explains Why Eating THIS Food Boosts Mood by 83%

We are all aware of the euphoria after we finish a delicious takeaway, and the positive effects it brings to our mood. But how much of an effect does it have, and which cuisine actually makes us the happiest? By conducting a BMIS (Brief Mood Introspection Scale) test among

The Week Junior Launches The Summer of Reading 2021

The Week Junior, the multi award-winning news magazine for 8 to14 year-olds, is launching its annual Summer of Reading campaign in the 3 July issue. First run in 2020, the campaign encourages children to read for pleasure during the school holidays challenging them to read,