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Category Archives: Business


1 in 5 Brits admit that it’s likely that aliens currently live on Earth, whereas 65% say it’s not likely and 15% are undecided. This suggests we’re all open to the possibility of extra-terrestrial life. Now, for the first time in 61 years, records of UFO

GIGI STUDIOS presents the MAVERICK capsule collection

GIGI STUDIOS presents MAVERICK, the capsule collection inspired by the revolutionary spirit of the 1970s… This summer of 2021, GIGI Studios is presenting a limited edition collection comprised of three unique designs, created in pure titanium, sourced from Japan. The collection is a tribute to

From Kitchens to Outhouses: How to budget for home renovations

During the course of lockdown, 48% of Brits undertook home renovation works with home offices, built-in gyms and overall aesthetics taking the lead. Because restorations can vary from general aesthetic works or physically building an extension, it is crucial to calculate costs and set aside

The top 15 greenest cities in the world

1. Vancouver – Canada’s shining jewel when it comes to recycling, the city of Vancouver has increased its rate from 40% to over 60% in just over a decade, with a goal of 80%. The city does this by making recycling part of the circular

What to do if you find yourself in debt

Latest figures from the Bank of England show that for the first time since August 2020, consumers borrowed more than they paid off in May this year – with unsecured lending rising by a net £280 million from April. The report shows that while borrowing