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Category Archives: Business

The effects of sleep deprivation on your body

Long term sleep deprivation is incredibly harmful to the body, and can cause a multitude of problems from your physical health to your mental health. Ensuring you achieve 8 hours sleep a night can be a struggle for many, however it is imperative to ensure

Armchair stocks trading: democracy in action

By Viktor Prokopenya, a London-based FinTech investor and founder of VP Capital Historians will come to study the case of Tesla when they look at the rise of global financial democracy. They will identify this rise in electric car stocks as a key moment in

Five Tips For Interdental Cleaning

Leading dentist Dr Richard Marques BDS is encouraging everyone to consider their oral hygiene and make interdental cleaning part of their daily routine. Dr Richard runs a well-established dental clinic in the heart of London’s Harley Street district and has shared his interdental cleaning tips below. Do let

Making tool time easier

The versitray is a flexible tool tray with ‘grip technology’ that adapts, flexes and secures itself to uneven surfaces. The versitray is manufactured from a unique non-slip, high-friction material allowing it to hold on gravity-defying surfaces ensuring your tools and parts don’t slip off and