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Category Archives: Business

Decision against HMRC could open floodgates

A legal case where HMRC lost the right to assess high income child benefit charges could open the floodgates for individuals who have already been assessed and paid the tax, say leading tax and advisory firm Blick Rothenberg. Stefanie Tremain a Director at the firm

How to feel more body confident this summer

By Stephanie Taylor at StressNoMore With summer in full swing and holidays abroad finally back on the cards, women across the nation will, naturally, be feeling the pressure to look good. Social media is soon to be abuzz with women posing in their teeny tiny

Authentic flavours from modern India

Putting a modern spin on classic Indian flavours, Pico Sauces brings you four unique and bespoke hot sauces with a little bit of India in every drop. Available across India, Singapore, the UK, USA and available on Ocado from August, Pico takes hold of vibrant

World Chocolate Day: Most Instagrammable Desserts, Ranked!

A meal isn’t complete without a cheeky dessert. And no matter how you indulge, desserts can differ country to country and are just as exciting to explore. To celebrate World Chocolate Day (7 July), cake and dessert experts sought to discover from a list of 100

Kitchen Renovations Could Earn You MILLIONS of TikTok views!

Renovating is one of the best avenues to explore when looking to achieve your dream home and with apps like TikTok supplying us with constant tips, tricks, and #roomenvy, there seems no better place to look for inspo. With #homerenovations maintaining a whopping 1.4billion views