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Category Archives: Business

Will the digital world ever fully replace the physical?

Covid has forced physical settings to adapt to alternative digital spaces – exhibitions have been displayed online, gyms have opened digital doors and even music festivals have been held virtually. Yet despite digitised experiences taking an ever-increasing presence in our lives, the pandemic looks to

Continued uncertainty in markets to change M&A habits

The past month or so has seen a number of factors increase uncertainty in global markets and debt financing. From the potential default in payments from Evergrande to rising Covid cases in the UK, a market that has been red hot could now be approaching

Many businesses don’t know how to begin their journey to net-zero.

As the UN’s Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) gets underway, HLB has published its 2021 Sustainability report, “Is your strategy sustainable?” This new report outlines a three-step roadmap to help businesses develop their sustainability strategy and explores the technologies that can help at