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Category Archives: Business

Five worst industries for cybersecurity risk revealed

Cybersecurity – ignored by businesses at their peril. However, no matter how seriously a company believes it is safeguarded from data breaches and other cybersecurity risks, are they really doing everything they can to ensure their business, and more importantly their customers, are protected? Research

Cheapest place to buy a last-minute Christmas jumper

New study reveals the cheapest place to buy your Christmas jumper is Chinese-owned brand Zaful. The study carried out by beauty experts Cosmetify, examined the top fashion retail brands in the UK to discover the best place to purchase an affordable Christmas jumper using pricing


Your friendly neighbourhood strippers are back. 100% uncensored. Have you ever wondered what wisdom you can glean from a duo with a combined 31 years spent dancing in a strip club? Buffy and Heaven return with Strippers In The Attic. The duo who launched their

Christmas shopping at People’s History Museum

Take a little bit of Christmas gift ingenuity from People’s History Museum (PHM) this festive season to share the spirit of democracy and solidarity. The national museum of democracy’s unique archives and collections tell stories such as votes for women, equality for all and workers