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Category Archives: Business

The UK’s first ‘PAW’fessional Wedding Vi-DOG-grapher!

Dogs at weddings is not a new trend, but is certainly one that continues to gain in popularity within the wedding planning industry. New analysis by leading wedding planning website today reveals that globally, online searches* for ‘dogs at weddings’ have increased by a

3 Reasons Mobile Devices Are Great Training Tools

It can be argued that smartphones are essential items to have today. One might struggle to thrive in a modern world without one of these devices.  Furthermore, mobile devices are seeing increased use in a workplace context. For example, towards the end of 2022, it

Welcome Wednesdays and Sundays launch at Victoria Baths

Victoria Baths is about to inject a sense of joy to the mid-week with a whole season of Welcome Wednesdays to look forward to. Starting on 5 April and running into September, Welcome Wednesdays are dedicated to visitors, families, community groups or anyone wanting to