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Category Archives: Manchester

Do you know what you’re drinking this Christmas?

There’s never been a more important time to know what you’re drinking than during the Christmas and the new year party season. Transparency over exactly how little alcohol is in your alcohol-free or low-alcohol drink is essential for those seeking a hangover-free party season this

Social Care Sector Needs a Long-term People Plan

Care England, the largest representative body for independent providers of adult social care, has responded to a call for evidence on good practice on in-work progression from the Department for Work and Pensions. The submission includes a call for a long-term people plan for the

British Citizen Award (BCA) Medal for Oyovwe Kigho

Oyovwe Sagbodje Kigho Bca is the founder of The Widows Empowerment trust, established in 2017 because she is passionate about tackling loneliness for those who have lost a life-long partner. Oyovwe is due to be presented with the British Citizen Award (BCA) medal on 22nd

Tisserand Aromatherapy introduces new Discovery Kits

Showcasing the power of one blend for your particular needs, Tisserand Aromatherapy realise that you don’t need a number of different oils for one concern, but rather one expert blend. Whether your concern is stress, sleep or your inability to take a moment for yourself the NEW