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All posts by Manchester TV

Avoca-DOH! Which foods go rotten the quickest?

British households are wasting millions of pounds every year because they’ve bought fresh products which have gone bad by the time they get round to eating them. According to one British food waste and recycling company, it doesn’t have to be that way if we

Scarlett Johanssen Is The Ultimate Celeb Crush Of The Last Decade

Scarlett Johanssen is the most crushed-on female celebrity of the past decade, with a whopping 16 appearances on the hot lists. Actors/actresses are the most crushed-on profession for both males and females, beating models and footballers to the top spots. In joint first place for the most crushed-on male of the past decade

A lasting memory of your trips away

There are certain words and dates that will always remind you of those special travel moments so why not recreate your story using the Storyteller Flags! If you or a loved one are keen to head to the airport now the world is reopening, Storyteller

Q Energy wins deal for Europe’s largest battery storage site

A Manchester firm has been boosted after securing a major contract for a “globally-significant” development. Smart energy service provider Q Energy clinched the predictive maintenance and performance monitoring deal for Europe’s largest battery storage project with the 100-megawatt (MW) system switched on by Shell in